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  • Clare Berry

Do Not Be Afraid of Bad News

The dreaded phone call, the disappointing letter, the worrying news report on the television; at some point we will receive bad news. How should we respond? How can we take courage when we face difficult circumstances?

Psalm 112:7-8 says:

He will not be afraid of evil tidings;

His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

His heart is established;

He will not be afraid,

Until he sees his desire upon his enemies.

Who Is He Who Won’t Be Afraid When Bad News Comes?

Who is this person who will not be afraid of evil tidings? Let's go back to the beginning of Psalm 112 to find out more.

(Verse 1)

Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,

Who delights greatly in His commandments.

The courageous person is the one who worships the Lord, who appreciates how awesome God is. They are the one who delights in the traditions, the instructions, the obligations, the

‘things’ of God. They are someone who respects the Lord for His superiority and

authority and headship, and is willing to obey and do things His way because

he knows it is the right way.

So first, let’s make sure we are those people, because it is on that basis that we

have no fear. We will not be afraid of evil tidings. Evil is the work of the devil.

God has no part in evil. He is HOLY. And He is GOOD. It is the devil who is

bringing the evil report.


To destroy your faith. He wants to make you afraid. He wants to take your eyes

off Jesus, and on to yourself, your circumstances. He wants to push you into

taking matters into your own hands, to speaking blasphemous things, to make

you unstable in all your ways. This is his delight.

But your delight is in the things of God. No, your GREAT delight is in the things

of God.

Your heart, your mind, your will, the seat of your courage, is steadfast,

unshakeable, established in trusting in the Lord. You will not be afraid for the

duration of the attack, ending with seeing the enemy defeated.

What Might an Evil Report Look Like for You?

What might an evil report look like for you?

  • Thoughts of a bad thing happening

  • A doctor’s report

  • The news on TV

And what kinds of things might you fear?

  • Your children getting into trouble, getting sick or not have the resources

to be successful

  • Not being able to afford food or heating this winter

  • Darkness – wickedness, terror, mourning

  • Unsuccessful in business

  • Losing faith in God

This psalm gives great encouragement in each one of these areas. It has

promises here for the one who worships the Lord.

Promises For the One Who Worships the Lord

Your Children Will Be Blessed

(Verse 2)

Your offspring will be MIGHTY on the earth. They will be blessed.


Because you are upright. You are righteous, by faith in Jesus Christ. Your

righteousness through Christ opens up a door to heaven which means you

have access to every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. And the first one

here is for your children. God has said that because of YOUR righteousness,

your children will be blessed and mighty on the earth.

You Will Be Provided For

(Verse 3)

You do not need to worry about your finances. Wealth and riches will

be in your house. As food prices and energy prices soar, they Lord’s economy is

not affected by these things. He will ensure you have wealth AND riches

available to you. More than enough. And His gift of your righteousness will not

expire, and so this promise is to you forever.

God's Glory is Upon You

(Verse 4)

Gross darkness will cover the earth and the people but in these times

God says that His light has come and His glory has risen upon you. As people

become more oppressed, you become more free. As people become more

depressed, you become more radiant. As people become more stressed, you

become more patient, generous and hopeful. When hatred and revenge are

rising in the people, love and grace abounds in you because you are righteous.

You Will Be Successful

(Verse 5)

You will be successful in work, in business. God has promised it for the

righteous. It is a spiritual blessing stored up for you. You will be successful in

work because you stoop down and show kindness to those who are inferior to

you (deals graciously). You will lend money or other things fairly. You will

conduct your business affairs honestly.

You Will Not Be Shaken

(Verses 6,7,8)

You will not lose faith. Surely, you will never be shaken. You will

not be afraid of bad news, because you trust what the Lord is saying here.

You know your God. You know He doesn’t lie. You know He has promised you these

things, and they are stored up for you in heaven. You have nothing to fear,

because God is with you. And you will see this bad news come to nothing.

The Fruit of Your Righteousness is Evident to All

(Verse 9)

The worse the news gets the more generous you become. The fruit of

your righteousness is evident to all, but particularly to the demons and angels

in the spiritual realm. Do not forget that the battle happens in the spiritual

realm and it is there that the evidence of God’s glory upon you is so obvious.

Your horn is exalted with honour – your strength in leadership and authority is

held up as an example. God will make sure you are honoured in the heavens.

And as a result:

(Verse 10) The wicked will see it and become extremely angry. And they, the

demons, might shout louder and make the evil tidings more gruesome and

terrifying, but they are just death throes – their death throes. They will gnash

their teeth – that’s all they can do! And they will melt away. Their plans, their

tactics have failed and they will pester you no more for a while.

You will see that the bad news has come to nothing, and the Lord has done

something gloriously good in the midst of it all.

Stand Firm in the Face of Bad News

So when you hear bad news, turn your eyes to Jesus, worship Him, give thanks and remember that He works all things together for good for those who love Him.

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